St Joseph's School

Our School

As a Catholic school, we promote a deep understanding of and commitment to Gospel values. Energised by the challenges of the rural setting, St Joseph’s seeks to provide an opportunity for every student to develop to their full potential.

We are renowned for our wonderful facilities, small class sizes, strong pastoral care programs, use of technology in classrooms and close involvement with families and the wider community. Our teachers and support staff are highly motivated and dedicated professionals who give generously of their time and talents. 

We recognise that your child is an individual. The diverse range of learning activities offered by our professional teaching and support staff acknowledges the different learning styles and experiences of each child.

We are proud of our long history, excited by our unique learning environment and pleased to offer you an affordable, values-based education for your child.

So if you are seeking an excellent Catholic education or would like to find out more about our school we welcome you to contact the school for a personal tour and interview.

Yours sincerely,

Damian Smith

Our School's Fundraising:

Donations $0